August 29, 2019 | Real-Time Application

Known Issues

  • Brush to Zoom can zoom below max data resolution.
  • When in Zoom view, the chart does not continue drawing.
  • Brush to Zoom does not increase data resolution.

Bug Fixes

  • Flags on the RT Graph can no longer be dragged off the edge of the chart.
  • Chart Options menu will now handle long channel names better.
  • When viewing multiple real-time streams, the Data Channel drop-down for the last stream is now scrollable, allowing users to update the chart.


August 26, 2019 | Completions

What’s New

  • We added another shape to Scatter Plot. In addition to the existing circle, triangle, and square you’ll now see a diamond shape when more than 3 data elements are selected.

Bug Fixes 

  • Under some very specific conditions, Pumpdown and Flush volumes had the wrong display units on Job Summary. They’ll now display with the same units they have on Treatment Data to keep things consistent.
  • When Job Summary was loaded for a job without any 1-second data, there were two warning messages. That seemed a little too aggressive, so we changed it.


August 22, 2019 | Real-Time Application

Updates and Improvements

  • Added Brush to Zoom!  Simply click and drag on the RT Graph to zoom in on an area.
  • Event flags can now be dragged on the RT Graph.  Click and drag to move them, or just click to edit.
  • Demo Pad B has been reworked to include predefined flags for stage start and end events, and will pre-load a stage of data on first access.
  • When mapping a Treating Pressure Global Field, you can now choose which well it is for.
  • Added a link between Stream View and Browser View, which can be accessed by clicking on the stream name.

Bug Fixes

  • Streams created via a Service Company API Key can now be accessed in Stream View by an Operator.
  • Tool Tip highlight will no longer move below the bottom of the chart when viewing a negative value and Chart Options is configured not to plot negative values.


August 19, 2019 | Completions

What’s New

  • We’re releasing new features so fast, it can be tough to keep up. Make sure you’re getting the most out of your data by scheduling a remote training session with our awesome support team directly from the app. Click the “?” icon in the toolbar to check it out!

Updates & Improvements

  • Planned Stages is now part of the JobHeaders API endpoint, script away.

Bug Fixes

  • The grids on the Job Summary page displayed units on some fields but not others. Every field will now get the display units it deserves.
  • Calls to the PerSec API endpoint that couldn’t return data no matter how hard they tried were getting a not-super-helpful error message so we changed it.


August 1, 2019 | Completions

What’s New

  • Planned Stages has made its way into two more parts of the app. 
    • On the Import Jobs Template between (two fields on either side).
    • On Job Totals, under Stage Count on the data selector.
  • For our Service Company users, District is now included in the Import Jobs Template.

Updates & Improvements

  • The PerSecData endpoint just got supercharged. We’ve added an “includeAllChannels” parameter allowing all of your 1-second data to flow to the database (or laptop) of your choice. (This is a premium paid feature, contact for more information).
  • Do you have too many custom flags? No problem. Picklist managers can now merge custom flags.   

Bug Fixes

  • In other picklist news, the occurrences count for depth features is now accurate. There were all zeros, and now they are heroes (or at least accurate).
  • Scatter Plots were acting like Scatter NOTs is certain situations. There were some issues concerning the Scatter Plot tooltip, y-axis scaling, and legend. They’ve all been worked out. Did someone say Scatter YAS?
  • Firefox and Internet Explorer were up to their usual mischief. This time they made scrollable legends vanish when scrolling. Problem solved. 
  • Internet Explorer and Edge try so hard to be real browsers, bless their hearts. This time, Export Treatment Data wasn’t working, so we fixed it. We recommend using Chrome, or literally any other browser.