Well Data Labs lets you fine tune stage times for jobs so that you can quickly and accurately get summary data from your jobs. Let's take a closer look at how the start and end time flags influence the summary data produced within Well Data Labs.

Automatic Stage Picks

For your Plug-and-Perf jobs, where you've got a unique file for each stage, Well Data Labs will automatically set your Stage Start and Stage End flags, using the bounds of the file to make a quick and rough guess of where these flags belong. It's a great function to take advantage of for a first pass of a job with lots of stages.

But when we zoom in on these flag picks, we start to see how they may need to be refined to better fit the job and the data produced. It's easiest to see the path of the job from the Treating Pressure and the Slurry Rate Channels. And channels that contain Total Volumes are especially important to examine when you fine tune the position of the Start and End flag.

Fine-Tuning Stage Flags

In many cases, we see that the Total Volume channel of a particular stage starts with a high value, either as a carry-over from the previous stage or as a target volume for the end of the stage. To precisely set the flags for the best results in Job Summary, we recommend turning on a Volume channel, along with Treating Pressure and Slurry Rate. In the screenshot below, you can see that the Stage Start flag is set on top of this Slurry Volume "target section", and the Stage End flag is set after the data capture ended.

As discussed in the Close Look - Calculations article, the Slurry Volume, Clean Volume, and Proppant Total aggregations are created using the value at the Stage End marker, less the value at the Stage Start marker. The result of the settings in the image above would result in large negative values being shown on the Job Summary for Slurry Volume, Clean Volume, and Proppant Total: clearly incorrect. So for your Job Summary page to show the correct volumes, you'll want to place the markers closer to that of the image below. The Stage Start flag gets set to a point just after the "target section" is reset to a value of zero, and the Stage End flag gets set to a point just before the data collection ends.

We're always working to make Well Data Labs an easier and quicker way to see meaningful results from your completions jobs. If there's something we can do to make this smoother for you, send an email to support@welldatalabs.com with your idea. We'd love to hear from you.