If your raw CSVs only contain chemical concentrations, but you really need to know how much Biocide went down hole on each stage of your jobs, don't fret! WDL has an option that can calculate stage chemical volumes from the Clean Volume channel and each Chemical Concentration channel.

On the Channel Mappings page, you'll just need to select the option "Computed Total Channels" from the 3 bar button. Well Data Labs will look through the imported data channels, and for each chemical concentration channel, it will create a new channel.

You're immediately able to view the volumetric channels on the Data Browser and Job Summary plots. But if you'd like the stage volume calculated, the new chemical volume channels will appear at the bottom of the Channel Mapping page, which you can map into whichever chemical you'd like. This makes the chemical volume values available for overrides on the Treatment Data page, plotting on the Scatter Plot, or for advanced analysis via Exports.