Well Data Labs makes it super quick to get 1 second files ready for whatever complex analysis you need to perform. We believe your data should be easy to work with, no matter where you are doing the analysis, so we have a tool to let you export all of those 1 second files in one step. They'll be prepared with the data mapping and stage times that are applied in Well Data Labs.

From the Job Summary use the 3-bar button to select Export WDL 1 Second Data.


The tool lets you select the data from any job you'd like to export using the job selector you probably recognize from our other pages. The Columns button lets you narrow down the data elements that will be exported, with Interstage Data you can choose to include data that lays outside of the stages if that's needed, and you can select to create a zip file containing one giant CSV or containing one CSV for each stage.


To make finding your desired data channels a little easier, the Columns button is divided into two sections. Global Fields are those channels that are set during Data Mapping, and Other Data Channels are everything else that is on any of the 1 second files. It's important to note that some Data Elements might not appear on every stage of the export, if those channels aren't included in the original raw files.


Once all of your selections have been made, click the Download File button and Well Data Labs will go to work creating your file.

It's probably going to take a little time to get everything packaged up, so we'll send you an email like the example below once we have it ready for you. Click Download in that email, and you'll be delivered a zip file that has everything you need to make that awesome plot you're working on.


If you only need a plot comparing one data element at a time, you'll want to check out the Stage Comparison tool. And if we can help with anything, don't hesitate to let us know at support@welldatalabs.com.