February 7, 2019

What’s New

  • Stage Comparison has two shiny new features:
    • Color by Stage is now an option and will show all elements plotted for a stage to display in its selected color. Want stages 4, 7, and 10 to be bright orange? You do don't you?
    • The tooltip is extra helpful now. When moused over a line, the tooltip will now show you all values from that stage displayed on the chart. Want to know what was going on with rate when proppant concentration got all weird? Now you’ll know.

Updates & Improvements

  • Average pumptime on Frac Review will only take mapped stages into account, so having a bunch of stages hanging out without start or end times won’t affect the calculation.
  • Frac gradient will automatically calculate whenever the values for TVD or ISIP change for a stage. So now, whenever a stage has a value for TVD and ISIP, you'll get a Frac Gradient calculated! Remember, removing either of the inputs will clear out the calculation, because math.
  • As part of the new features on Stage Comparison, it also got a slightly more polished look and a more functional legend. This is a lot cooler than it sounds, you should go check it out.

Bug Fixes

  • On Stage Variance and Depth Variance, left clicking on a stage takes you to a Stage Summary. This wasn’t the case for stages that were recorded as screenouts (the ones that display as circles instead of rectangles), but it is now.
  • Our reports have this nifty feature where you can temporarily hide elements from the chart by clicking on them in the legend. A recent update to Job Summary resulted in these ‘hidden’ channels not quite being hidden, because they could still be moused over and their values would display in the tooltip. Hiding channels will now result in those channels being hidden.  


February 28, 2019

What’s New

  • Print all stages to PDF
    • From the 3 bar button on Job Summary, there are two new options: “Print Charts for All Stages to PDF” and “Print Reports for All Stages to PDF”. Selecting one of these options will result in a single PDF being emailed to you with charts or reports for all stages on your job.
    • The difference between a chart and a report is that reports include all those fun grids with summary data in addition to the chart. Either version will still give you the option of adjusting titles or adding additional comments below the charts.
  • See the user and time for file uploads
    • On the Job View page, mouse over the icon to the left of each file name (the one that looks like a piece of paper) to see the time that file was uploaded and the email address of the user who uploaded it.
    • Files copied from your service company will display as uploaded by “Service Company”
    • The uploaded time is in UTC because time zones and daylight savings are hard. For reference, UTC is six hours ahead of CST.

Updates & Improvements

  • Job List will now default to sorting by start date, since we think it is safe to assume that you don’t  frac your wells alphabetically.

Bug Fixes

  • Pick lists were taking a bit too long to load, and occasionally even timing out before they could display. After some hard work, and a little magic, those lists now load much faster and timeouts are a thing of the past.
  • Sometimes, the Import Jobs template will have an issue that prevents the import from occurring altogether. In certain instances of this, the app was being overly polite by not telling users that the import failed. We made sure that sparing someone’s feelings won’t come at the expense of functionality.
  • On Scatter Plot, Breakdown was being labeled as Treating Pressure. This somewhat embarrassing oops has been fixed.