Now that your 1 Second files have been uploaded and Stages have been mapped, Well Data Labs gives you a graphical representation of your data. There are several graphs available throughout the application including the Stage Mappings page listed on the left-side workflow navigator. In the Reports menu on the toolbar, you will also find Job Summary, Data Browser, Frac Review, Scatter Plot, Stage Variance, Depth Variance, Stage Comparison, Multi-Well Timeline and Job Totals.  By selecting the data channels and by using the many tool bar features, you will be able to customize what you would like to see. 

In this example, we will be looking at the Stage Mappings graph.  From the Jobs menu on the toolbar, select Stage Mappings.  You can also select Stage Mappings from the left-side workflow navigator on the Job View page.



Select the job you would like to see from the Well drop-down list.


The Stage Mappings graph is displayed and now you can start to customize the chart!

On the Stage MappingJob Summary, Scatter Plot, Stage Comparison and Job Totals pages, the Data Channels to be graphed can be changed under the Data 3-dot button in the toolbar above the graph.


On the Data Browser page, the Data Channels to be graphed are listed on the left side of the graph for quick access.

Tool Bar Features:

Once the data is mapped there are many manipulations and customizations possible. The Time Window can be altered to zoom in on particular moments during the job, assigning the From and To time.


After setting the From and To time: 

Clicking on a graphed element in the legend at the top of the graph will toggle that element on and off and it will be grayed out in the legend.

Treating Pressure "On":

Treating Pressure "Off":

If you need to insert a Comment directly onto the plot to note job particular events or issues that help with the interpretation of the data, click on the Custom Flags button on the toolbar above the graph and click on the graph where you want the comment to be displayed.

1. Click on the Custom Flags button and select Comment Only.


2. You will be prompted to Select Custom Flag Time.

3. Move your mouse to the time where you would like your Custom Flag and left click.

4. A Custom Flag window will open.  Enter your comments and click Save.


5. That’s it!  Comments appear as an open red circle on the x-axis of the graph. To view a comment's text along with data from that point in time, hover over its marker.

The editing tools for a comment are accessed by clicking on the comment's marker on the graph. An Edit Custom Flag window will open and you can change the text or even delete the comment entirely.

Custom flags can also be inserted in the graph following the same steps as the Comments. You can use these to identify any particular event during the treatment, such as an acid slug, a diverter drop, or a change of proppant type.

The Customize Chart Colors (eyedropper) tool allows custom colors to be picked for each data element in the graph.

Click on the Customize Chart Colors tool.

Click on the down arrow next to the data element color to select a custom color.  Click Save.

The Wrench tool contains options for manipulating how data is displayed on the graph. You can select whether or not to Chart negative values and the Show Tooltip checkbox will allow you to hide the mouseover tooltip that displays on charts if it’s in the way.

If you'd like to rest your eyes, you can change the color scheme background to a dark palette by clicking the Theme icon in the tool bar.

If upon using the Time Window, Custom Chart Colors, Wrench or Theme tools, you do not see your desired changes click the Refresh button and the graph will return with the edits in place.



After zooming in or changing the detail of the graph you can go back to the entire Time Window and graph detail by selecting the Reset button. 

To enlarge the graph to a full-screen size, click on the Arrows icon.

Zoom Slider

The Zoom Slider sits below the graph and shows a shaded version of the entire job. Grab the white buttons on either side of the slider window to filter the selected data and zoom in the full-size graph above. 

After creating a zoomed data selection you can then move that span over the entire selection by clicking on it and dragging. Scrolling with your mouse or trackpad while hovering over the zoom slider will also adjust the time interval span. 

Hovering your mouse over the graph will cause a tracking line and popup to detail the data points at that point in time.