July 9, 2018

What’s New

  • Stage and Depth Variance got a little cooler.
    • Change the color scaling to include or exclude certain values by setting a custom range. Click the wrench icon at the top of the report to give it a try.
    • Not to be outdone by Scatter Plot, the Variance reports now have click through action. Left click on any stage to be brought to its one-second summary plot.
    • For Stage Variance, you can align Stage 1 on the left or the right. It’ll still default to aligning on the left, sorry #teamright.
  • Channel Mapping logic is more logical.
    • Global Fields will now automap based on the most frequently selected field for that channel name instead of the most recent.
    • Data Channel Types (think Fluids, Chemicals, etc) will now fully automap for exact matches -- meaning Type, Subtype, and Name will fill in way more often.
  • Comments and custom flags have associated stages, now summary exports and the CustomFlags API endpoint will show those stage numbers.
  • We’re calculating values for ISIP5, ISIP10, and Frac Gradient from your one-second data and other summary data.

Updates & Improvements

  • The Treatment Data Import spreadsheet is back in the headlines this month. Zeros imported through the sheet will now largely be ignored due to some data quality concerns.  

  • The search bar on Job List will make finding the job you’re looking for even easier. Start typing to search in any columns displayed on the page (e.g. County, Service Company, Formation, etc), instead of just Well Name.

  • We added a new Data Channel Type: Power. Happy Mapping!

  • Added work location to user profiles

Bug Fixes

  • Due to some mischief caused by the Treatment Data Import sheet, stage number count on job headers will only reflect the number of stages that have start and end times mapped.

  • Titles were missing from editable pdfs of Stage Variance Reports under some very specific circumstances, they are missing no longer.

  • On Treatment Data import, units for proppant concentration not converting from metric. Apologies to our Canadian friends.

  • Bulk job import wasn’t accepting previously deleted jobs, it will now properly ignore them.

  • Sometimes, one-second files will have a few rows without timestamps scattered throughout them. The way those were being handled was causing dips in one-second plots that really didn’t look great but totally do now.

  • Fluids on variance charts were being converted from bbl to gallons even when the units were already gallons. That now works as intended.

  • The File Repair tool on the Job View page wasn’t always keeping track of the correct file order. We put in some new sorting logic to keep those files where you want them to appear.