July 18, 2019 | Real-Time Application

Known Issues

  • Y-axis labels only show in certain resolutions.

Updates and Improvements

  • Added a Chart Options menu to the Real-Time Browser.
  • Added ability to set custom axis labels in Chart Options.
  • Added the ability to chart negative values in Chart Options.
  • Added the ability to disable tool tips in Chart Options.
  • Browser will now attempt to re-establish a lost connection to the client for up to 30 seconds.
  • Like unit labels will now group (ex: All PSI units share a single axis instead of drawing multiples).
  • The current active well/stage will now display above the real-time chart (requires stages to be flagged).

Bug Fixes

  • The favorite (Star) Icon on Stream List now works properly.
  • The API no longer returns an HTML 404 error if calling a nonexistent endpoint.


July 17, 2019 | Real-Time Application

Known Issues

  • The favorite (Star) Icon on Stream List does not currently function.
  • The API will return an HTML 404 error if calling a nonexistent endpoint.
  • Y-axis labels only show in certain resolutions.

Updates and Improvements

  • Real-time now supports GET calls to our API.  For documentation, please visit rtapi.welldatalabs.com **Please note that our API is a paid feature.  Check with your WDL Account Rep for access**.
  • Added an Streams endpoint to the API.
  • Added an Events endpoint to the API.
  • Added a Streamdata endpoint to the API.
  • Added a Wells endpoint to the API.
  • Added a Channels endpoint to the API.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused some users to see streams duplicated in the Stream List.


July 31 - Completions

What’s New

  • In a first step toward facilitating pad-level analysis, we’ve added a brand new report we’re calling Pad Review. Head on over to the reports tab to check it out! You’ll see the following two charts:
    • Pump and Interstage Time By Day: this stacked bar chart will show you the amount of pump time and interstage time recorded during each day of your pad. Remember, pump time is any time that fell between a stage’s start and end time.
    • Cumulative Stages: this chart will show you how your pad is progressing over time in terms of completed stages. Mouse over any day to see the number of stages completed on that day as well as the cumulative stages completed up to (and including) that day. 
  • Planned Stages on Job Header
    • Tell us how many stages are planned on the job header. In the future, we hope to use this number in various reports to give you a better idea of how close your jobs are to the finish line.

Updates & Improvements

  • Average stages per day has been added to Job Totals. This Job-level value should help give you an idea of the relative efficiency of your various jobs.

Bug Fixes

  • Stage Variance wasn’t respecting the unique scaling of all data elements in certain cases. It’ll play nicely now.
  • Here’s a fun riddle: If a chart has to draw a line that extends for 50 years, one second at a time, how hard will it try before giving up? Trick question, it won’t. In order to prevent our overly eager charts from creating problems for users, we’ve added some validation to the importer to prevent exorbitantly long jobs. No more files with start dates before the year 2000, no single files that are over a year long, and no two files over a year apart.