March 26, 2020 | Completions


Updates & Improvements

  • We added a simple quick-link to the Job Summary from the Pad Review detail grid. Small yay! More Pad Review upgrades coming soon.

Bug Fixes

  • Adding links from Pad Review illuminated a bug that prevented Pad Review from reloading when backing into it via your browsers back button. This has now been fixed. So feel free to back, back, back it up.


March 24, 2020 | Real Time Application


Updates & Improvements

  • Changing the number of channels within a stream will no longer cause the stream to stop rendering. This is a big deal.
  • When a change in channel count is detected, a new channel group will be created. Once mapped, your global fields will continue to draw seamlessly across groups.
  • Machine Learning has learned to respect your flag deletions. It may not like them, but dammit it will respect them.
  • You can now upload a header file to map your channels. Dozens of consultants just heaved a sigh of relief!
  • You can now access the latest version of the real-time client through the downloads section of the user menu. We apologize to anyone who looked forward to talking to our fantastic support department when you needed a client update. We’re still here for you, though!

Bug Fixes

  • The left side menu options in Stream View will now be worded consistently.
  • When using stage compare with an unmapped channel, your whole chart will no longer shift to one side.


March 23, 2020 | Completions


Updates & Improvements

  • You can now plot custom flag associated channel data on Scatter Plot. This feature will allow you to visualize and compare flag data like initial ISIP with final ISIP, pre-diverter pressure with post diverter pressure, etc.. Your only limit is your analysis prowess. If you have not associated any channels to your existing custom flags, simply add them to an existing custom flag and all your previously placed flags will also have the new association.
    • For now, this functionality is limited to global field associated channels and to flags set between stage start and end times. 

Bug Fixes

  • The Multi-Well Timeline zoom slider was resetting every time the chart options were saved. This bug made detailed analysis with custom y-axes painfully slow. This is now fixed, saving the chart options will not reset the zoom slider.
  • Upon creating a custom flag, the options to associate pumpdown, flush, pump time, and interstage time were among the global field associated channel options. We are not sure how those sneaky little devils got in there, they have now been expelled. 


March 10, 2020 | Completions


Updates & Improvements

  • Two bars walk into a line chart. One bar says to the other bar, “What a plot twist.”
    • While dad was busy coming up with this joke, we added daily stage bars on the cumulative stage line chart in Pad Review. This comes directly from dad (user) feedback.

  • Machine Learning has a new home in Well Data Labs. For those that were already harnessing the power of ML, via our stage mappings power-up button, you will now find ML living peacefully in the Power-Up Control Center, just click the robot. If you would like to learn more about any of our ML models, please contact