October 27, 2020 | Completions


What’s New

  • We’ve added a search function to the job and stage selectors on the following reports: Scatter Plot, Stage Variance, Depth Variance, Stage Comparison, Multi-Well Timeline, and Job Totals. We hope this helps make it easier to find the jobs and stages you are looking for - happy analyzing!

Updates & Improvements

  • We’re keeping busy with a lot of work behind the scenes aimed at improving the automagical capabilities of our many power ups and new and novel ways to help you get the most out of your data.


October 21, 2020 | Completions


Updates & Improvements

  • We updated the placeholder text on the Job List search bar to better reflect what it can do. Searches apply to everything on the page, not just job names!

Bug Fixes

  • The option to show Breakdown and ISIP flags on Multi-Well Timeline was displaying all of the flags from selected jobs in one stage...not super helpful. They’ll show up in their actual stages now.
  • After we fixed the previously mentioned bug, we had to do some rearranging to make sure the flags didn’t upstage each other. 
  • The Scatter Plot feature that lets you plot the time between flags was having some performance issues so we gave it a tune up to cut down on chart loading time.


October 8, 2020 | Completions


Bug Fixes

  • We goofed recently and broke the click through action from Pad Review to Multi-Well Timeline. Instead of taking you to Multi-Well Timeline, it told you the app blew up. No need to worry though, we picked up the pieces and got it fixed.


October 1, 2020 |  Completions


What’s New

  • We’ve added the option to export the dates and times for Breakdown and ISIP to our summary data exports. You can find these in the “Job Information” section of the column selector on our summary data exports page near the stage start and end dates and times.

Updates & Improvements

We’ve made some changes that’ll ensure all of our dates display in the same format. This will help the app look and feel more tidy. Yes, we know we’re late on our spring cleaning.

Custom Flags are powerful and adding new ones shouldn’t require lots of scrolling so that option will now appear at the top of the dropdown list on all charts.