Once you've installed the WDL Wellview Add-in, you'll want to check to make sure the data is populating your Wellview tables to match any customizations you have in place. The add-in includes three mapping documents to allow you to make changes to where the add-in will place data points.
It is important to maintain backups of these files, as they represent the connection between the Well Data Labs data model and the unique data model that your Wellview database follows. Subsequent runs of the importer installer will replace these files with defaults, so be sure that you backup these files before upgrading to a new add-in version.
This document is formatted as a regular XML document. It lists each of the mappable elements that can be recieved via our API. Each element will have a <name> which comes from our API specification, a <Table> which defines which Wellview table should receive the element, and a <Field> which defines which Wellview field should receive the data element. Some elements may have a <BaseUnit> used to convert the data from our API into the Wellview expected unit.
After making any needed changes to match your Wellview data schema, save this file into the WDLAddin.StimJobImporter.SupportFiles folder. Do not change the file name.
The FixedMapping document is formatted as a regular XML document. It lists the fields that will receive a particular fixed value, regardless of the data provided by the API or WITSML documents. This is useful to fill in data to Wellview fields which needs to be programmatically generated with every imported. The document can write to the wvZone, wvOtherInHole, wvStim, and wvStimInt tables in Wellview.
For example, you may wish to have an fracture icon entered into the IconName field on every record of the wvStim table. The "Fracture" value will cause this icon to appear with each record generated by the importer.
After making any needed changes to match your Wellview data schema needs, save this file into the WDLAddin.StimJobImporter.SupportFiles folder. Do not change the file name.
This document is formatted as a regular XML document. It lists each of the mappable elements that can be recieved via the WDL WITSML export file. Each element will have a <name> which comes from our API specification, a <Table> which defines which Wellview table should receive the element, and a <Field> which defines which Wellview field should receive the data element. Most elements will have a <BaseUnit> used to convert the data from our WITSML export file into the Wellview expected unit.
After making any needed changes to match your Wellview data schema, save this file into the WDLAddin.StimJobImporter.SupportFiles folder. Do not change the file name.