We've released a few regularly requested upgrades to the application, giving you the ability to customize the Y-axis on your graphs and export as little or as much of the data you want right from the Job Compare page.  Thank you for being a Well Data Labs partner and providing valuable feedback on our application - everything that we build is based on your input.

User Adjustable Y-Axis

One of our most requested features by current users, you now have the ability to manually adjust the Y-axis on our dynamic charts.  We've seen engineers use the feature to help ignore meter spikes and drill in on slope changes at key intervals in the job.  Now you can use it to see the data in a way that makes the most sense to you!

Data Export

You own your data, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to move your structured frac data into other back-office systems.  Our new bulk data export allows you to pick and choose the specific data you want to export, and then automatically formats your selection to be compatible with Spotfire, Wellview, and Excel imports, among others.


New Website

Interested in discussing Well Data Labs with your colleagues or friends?  Sharing a link to our brand new website is a great way to introduce someone to what we are working on here.  We also like emails and phone calls, and are known to buy lunch for people who want to meet us...