Well Data Labs provides machine learning with a selection of Power-Ups designed to solve everyday problems. Power-Ups are machine learning models that recognize events in high-frequency time-series frac data.
Our predictive models currently include:
- Stage Mappings - Set Stage Start, Stage End, Breakdown and ISIP (everyone has access to the Stage Mappings Power-Up)
- Diverter - Quantifies the pressure response from a diverter action
- Target Rate - Sets a flag at target slurry rate
- Offset Pressure - Detect deltaP in offset well data
- Proppant at Perfs - Identify when proppant reaches perforations
- Acid at Perfs -Detect when acid reaches perforations
- Proppant Ramps and Step Summary Stats - Statistics for each proppant ramp
- Pressure Test - Detect pressure tests
How do you run Power-Ups in WDL?
In the upper right-hand corner of the Stage Mappings or Job Summary pages, you’ll see a Power-Up "robot" icon. This button opens the Power-Up Control Center that displays all available Power-Ups activated in your account. To run a Power-Up, simply select the model you would like, and then click the green "play" button.
Contact Support or Schedule a Free 1:1 Training with us to learn more about using WDL Power-Ups!