When creating Job Summary tables and Data Browser time window tables, Well Data Labs has some math going on behind the scenes. Let us go over what is happening to produce this data. 

Stage Start / End Times

This is likely the first place where you might encounter some calculations performed by Well Data Labs. When you go in to set the number of stages, we automatically set Start and End flags for each stage, based on the times seen within the actual uploaded file. Well Data Labs will very slightly step the flags in from the beginning and end of each file to avoid any flags being set off of the file entirely. Not a complex calculation, but something we think you should know how it works.


Data Browser

The Data Browser Summary Table will display the Average, Maximum, and Minimum value for each data element that you have plotted on the graph. Maximum and Minimum are straightforward, but we want to make sure that you correctly understand what we're doing to calculate the Average value for your data.

Long story short, for Job Level average calculations, we ignore any time between stages and average across the entire job in one shot. We believe this gives you a more representative understanding of your data, rather than weighting the average across each stage in your job.


By adjusting the data window - with the Zoom Slider or the Toolbar boxes - the Average, Maximum, and Minimum are re-calculated to only represent the view of the graph. If you want to return to the full job window, be sure to type "0" and "End" into the Time Window of the toolbar.

In a plug-and-perf job, the interstage time is relatively obvious and closely estimated by our auto-staging calculation. But other situations, like in the sliding sleeve job shown above, might have data that you'll want to carefully exclude from your stage picks to keep the calculation results meaningful.


Job Summary

The Job Summary page performs calculations just like the Data Browser. But now the Average, Totals, and Maximums won't change based on the View Window of the graph. Instead, the calculations are performed on the basis of the Stage Start/End Times mapped to the job. The Job Total aggregations for elements won't include data from outside of the Stage markers.

Well Data Labs will provide Summary information for each Mapped Element, regardless of which ones are displayed on the graph. The Job Summary is where you can generate your full job reports to share with your team or move into further analysis.

This is a topic that can quickly become very in-depth, so if you have specific questions that we didn't answer here, contact us at Support@WellDataLabs.com and we'll do our best to get back to you quickly so you can understand your data. Want to learn more about features in Well Data Labs? Try our Close Look - Zoom Slider article.