Well Data Labs is capable of importing your 1 second frac van files so that you can very quickly see the results of your completion. We are continuously working to make sure that no matter what your file looks like, you see the highest level of quality within our application. So here are some of the file characteristics that will ensure a smooth experience as you bring files into Well Data Labs.

  • Job Time - We use the Job Time column to line up your files and jobs. Job Time needs to include both the date and the time in every row of your file. If you're exporting from FracPro, there's even a checkbox for this: "Include Job Time". If you don't have the complete time column in your files, you can use Well Data Labs' built-in File Repair tool to bring those back into line.
  • CSV file type  - 1 second files get called a lot of different things, but Well Data Labs requires CSV files (Comma Separated Values). And if you need your historical files converted from an Excel file or a tab-delimited text file, we can easily show you how to change those over to CSV.
  • Data Channels - It's always been difficult to track a single channel across jobs, which Well Data Labs helps you do with our Channel Mappings tool. If possible, it is preferred that the Channel Names and Units stay consistent from stage-to-stage, so that the Global Fields knows where to look to perform aggregations.
  • Units -  Units of measure are required for successful import! Why you may ask? If you're meeting someone for lunch and they say "I'll be there in 5." There's a huge difference between 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days or 5 years! 
  • Time Step - Time step is the amount of time between your data points. For the most detail in your data, we recommend a one-second timestep. And to avoid any troubles with the reports, try to make sure that your timestep is consistent throughout your files. 
  • Overlapping Time - If you try to upload files that have overlapping times, Well Data Labs will show an error letting you know that one of the files needs to be modified. Usually this overlap means that you accidentally uploaded two copies of a file, but occasionally we've found situations that require an overlap of just a few minutes, so we allow a small buffer where the beginning of the second file will be ignored without causing an error.
  • Number of Channels - Bring it on! Well Data Labs is optimized to handle all the data you can bring, quickly and efficiently. Whether it's just your Treating Pressure and Slurry Rate channels, or hundreds of simultaneous channels, Well Data Labs will import, display, and help you analyze your data.

If your files don't all meet these criteria, we can certainly still bring it up to 100% by working with you on the raw data. Feel free to Contact Support and let us know how we can help you be successful. To see how to import your files once they're ready to go, check out the article on Importing Job Data, or the quick Import Files Video.